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A pic of urself here?

I am Muhammad Daniel Bin Anuar. You can also call me Achit.
I like to play soccer, guitar and practically everything that is fun! I came out from my mother's *ahem* at 12.33pm on 020193 :) My school is at Boon Lay Secondary. I am a Sec 4 student! :p

Achit Likes

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
I would like this FEW things in my life: A new handphone | New set of clothes,hats,pants and shoes!! | A very wonderful and memorable birthday | Frienship bands | A cool looking bangle | Piercings in my lips,cheeks,eyebrow and lastly in my ears! |

Achit Loves

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
I love this few things: My Friends | My father,mother,brother,atok n nenek. haha. | My girlfriend | My handphone | My PSP | My necklace | My school | And lastly, i love Ms Linda!! lol! XD |

Achit Friends

| Rashiqah
Akuma/Vitrun :D
|A Я O Y :D
|Atep Senyum2 :D
|Ahding :D
|Aby Baby :)
|Ateetot :)
| Ashaa Elmo Burger
|Ayan Jepon/Haryani :D
|AtOP :D
|Ain Wahdah:D
|ASK Vids
|deeDORA :D
|Diyana laugh2 :D
| Hilary
| Irni Hernani
| Ijan Rokok
|Jaymien Ahbeng
| liyana :)
| Nadia
| SMS :D
| Shira beng
|Sarmira Unique!
| Yasniza Mohamed Achit Speak

Achit Channel

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Designed by shinigami_ojou


July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
July 2010
January 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hi Muhammad Daniel Bin Anuar,
Happy 18th Birthday! Dah legal age. hahahahhaa. Anw, hope you enjoy your day. May you pass your license asap. Tell your nenek takmo blanje makan lahr. hahaha. Dah tue de, hahahah. Eeeeeeee, tap ttp manis. Eh? hahahah. kay be a good boy k, STOP SMOKING.

Apologies for accessing your blog without your permission, as well as posting too. I just wanted you to feel special on your special day. Sorry too for not revealing myself on the phone the earlier part. Sorry for disturbing you while you're working. I called you up exactly at 12 but you didnt pick up. Sorry if I disturbed you and caused you to pick up the phone while working :/

Okay end of story. Once again, Happy Birthday Danny. ;)


btw, i adjusted ur blog time to the correct timing alr. HEHE sorry yea for adjusting your blog time as well as posting somethng on your blog without your permission.

If only you knew, how much i love you. :) 12:17 AM

Thursday, July 8, 2010

hye!! im in class right now. but we are not studying. we are celebrating my class mate's birthday, her name is jessica. how cool is that? go school but in the end never study. haha. poot. anw im still sick. i have trouble breathing. i think its time i stop smoking. ts just a waste of money, health, time and family. im really semangat nak stop smoking tauu. anyone please help me? heehee. i need people to stop me if not i syok sendirik continue to smoke. heehee. :) anw i gtg. want to and eat birthday cake. goodbye and take care.

ganbadimas achit! haha. :)

If only you knew, how much i love you. :) 9:42 AM

Saturday, May 15, 2010

harro. :) i miss you, i love you. do u miss me? or love me? if so do tag at my chatbox. :)

If only you knew, how much i love you. :) 6:25 PM

Monday, May 10, 2010

An eye in a triangle, obsolete in an angle.
like this, love this.
i dont care, coz i cant bear.
the consequences of illuminati, that may cause u to mati...

anw today is really a bad day for me. its just noon and all sorts of awful things have happen to me. i dont know if my luck will get any better. firstly the start of class already i clumsily dirtied my shirt. after that during lecture i was scolded by my director for being noisy. when i and my friends were noisy as a whole. and now i lost my handphone. haiss. really fuck up sia. why is this happening? i guess its just cobaan. poot. anw i have been sick for the pass few days. didnt went to the doctor as i dont want to trouble my parents. sometimes feeling like passing out. blurred vision. unsteady steps. im worried. what if anything happends? i dont want to trouble my parents. how? i dont know. you know? good. i like you. u very good. hmm. since i have spare time i update lohr. but i guess its kinda boring since blog is kinda dead and my tagboard is also kinda dead since no one is tagging me. poot.

If only you knew, how much i love you. :) 1:10 PM

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

hello there. im currently in class. its free period now. today i end school at 5. walao. so late. and tmr must wake up at 8. tiring u know. my school dah jaoh. nasib ade motor. haha. cheyy. macam paham jekk aku. anw ignore the malay languange part. hehe. so i know i have not been updating for a long time. been busy with life. anw how are u guys? im fine. just that i need to work to pay fine. haha. everyday after school must rush to work. its very tiring. haiss. anw, ill update bout my life. school's been rather fun. its nice to be in a new atmosphere with new friends. i find it rather easy to cope. as my course dont have any fuck shit maths in it. hahaha. anw sorry for the foul languange. heehee. anw i love my mum. i know im being random, but i just wanna say that. hehs. i love my dad too! :)

do u love ur mother and father?
do u believe that eating cockroaches's penis will make u a genius?
do u believe that digging ur nose will cause lady luck to smile?


Achit Random~

If only you knew, how much i love you. :) 2:27 PM

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

This is my new haircut. like it? hate it? well. i just dont care. i like it so why shouldnt u? haha.

If only you knew, how much i love you. :) 9:22 PM

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A few days back, I had this dream.
&I wonder why i dreamt of it.

Gee. The ironic thing is, that dream was supposed to be a HAPPY one.
But i woke up with a tear at the corner of my eye.

Seriously, Why eh?


If only you knew, how much i love you. :) 3:09 PM